Sunday 16 April 2017


There is going to be a cinema within the much  anticipated mall of all time KUMASI CITY MALL which is set to be opened on April 20th, 2017.
Industry players and people of Kumasi in Ashanti Region, have highly praised contractors for working within their set time of completion.
The Asantehene Otumfour Osei Tutu II last week took an excursion prior to the opening ceremony to inspect and congratulates the contractors for a good work done.

What took our News Crew to the mall was a cinema set to be opened within the mall.
As known to the people of Kumasi, there is no well equipped cinema for most especially Premiering Movies as well as hosting movie lovers, so we wanted to see for ourselves the new concept of this new cinema.

Watch and Dine Cinema

This is the name of the cinema within the Kumasi City Mall.
Speaking to C.E.O of the place who wants his name on the quiet, said "this concept is new and is going to entertain movie lovers who wish to watch movie outside home but could still eat and drink feeling at home. Well furnished seats with arm and convertible wood dine cartridge will make people feel comfortable while watching and dine as well, the cinema will also have well number of seats to contain hundreds of people for movie premiering, it is an International stardard " he emphasized.

For me i think this is a huge news to make Kumasi a complete city.
We have had a lot of issues pressuring movie producers to premier their movies in Kumasi but they keep giving excuses as to a well furnished venue isn't available but i'm sure this excuse is well sorted out right inside Kumasi City Mall.

Kumawood producers will now be able to premier their movies without moving to Accra all because of venue.
Kumasi Y3 nso y3 de3 nie.......

We all look forward for a great start and consistency bringing on board dynamic ideas to sustain this awesome concept and international level of promoting the entertainment industry.

Speaking to the people of Kumasi, majority are saying they cant wait any longer because they are over thirsty to patronize services within the Kumasi Mall and more categorically pointing at this new cinema.
We are taking this opportunity to congratulate the people of Kumasi.

''Y3n so y3nya Mall''😄

Friday 25 November 2016


The President elect Mr Donald Trump is said to be the most aftermath controversy president elect in the history of America.
Mr. Trump was announced a winner following US presidential election held on the 8th of November 2016 against Former US Secretary Hillary Clinton.

After the declaration, there have been various controversies surrounding the victory of The Republicans Party and to an extent, some, calling for recount.
Many have said that Trump's victory was predictable but some of the media painted a win picture for Mrs. Hilary Clinton.
Spiritually, Powerful Servants of God, predicted the win for Mr. Trump months before the US Election was held.

Continuing the proves and prophecies of Mr. Trump's victory, we sort to go through the Bible if we can find a match of the words of Mr. Trump's speech before,during and after his campaign.....and Yes we found the verse.
Mr. Trump sort to build a "wall"at the leaked boarders to America. And he said this almost on all campaign platforms.
what we found from this speech is that, This "Wall" isn't a physical, concrete or wire wall but rather a Spiritual Wall.
A Wall between the "Forbidden"painted us normal and the evil painted as "Right"
God has finally appointed someone for America, for America to be saved from distraction

Ezekiel 22:30
"I looked for someone among them who would build up the "Wall" and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one".

After the sufferings of America, God has found a solution for America to be saved.
Psalm 106:23 
So he said he would destroy them-- had not Moses, his chosen one, stood in the breach before him to keep his wrath from destroying them.

From this i ask, is it Mr. Trump's time to save America and "Make America Great Again"?
Is he gonna be the Moses of American's time?

President Donald Trump if you are reading this, i am telling today that your task from God, is to "Build The Wall" and Make America Great Again.

God Bless America, Long Live America.
May America be saved.

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Friday 18 November 2016


We are reliably informed that Nursing Trainee Allowances which was scrabbled and lately the Government promised to restore due to what people think is to win political points is said to be paid on table instead of the usual banking system.

Student Nurses are in queue for their three months arrears of the allowance which is around GHC 450.00. News men going round spoke to some student nurses about the payment and most of them agreeably linked it to the election season which they stated that, whether paid or unpaid they are trusting the NPP with their vote of the message that, they will restore their allowances fully when they are voted into power.
Some of them also said they are happy at least this will relief their parents from their monthly campus expenses.

We got to know that most of the Nursing Training Colleges are on vacation or what they call 'Off Campus Clinical ) but authorities have called all students back to campus to receive their share of the allowance (alawa).
On our tour, we got to Komfo Anokye Nursing and Midwifery Training College where we heard most student agitating that they have been denied hold of their Allowance.
Further probe got us a hint that, their 'Allawa'' have been withheld following an incident which happened during a visit of the Chief of Staff, Hon. Julius Debrah.

Mr Julius Debrah was said to have been hooted by some of the students who explained that they were informed by authorities that the Chief of Staff was going to address them on issues concerning the college but later turned the meeting to political campaign platform.
Some of the furious student started shouting that they came there to get their issue addressed not campaign promises.

Following this said incident, the school have been denied the ongoing disbursement of the allowances. This is said to be a punishment for the school and again some of the authorities are said to be called to other.
We spoke to some of the authorities who indicated that, what happened was like filming a live program, editing will be difficult, students started shouting on the count that, they were not told about political campaign which the Chief Of Staff drove to.

The school have been told to write an appology letter stating their regret.

On this we asked, are allowances paid on these counts?
Has governance turned to Mother and Child affair where mother starve her child for her so called disrespect?

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Sunday 13 November 2016


There are a lot that we do in our everyday lives that we over look or even not aware are the cause of everyday illness.

Today lets share something funny, educative and create awareness that you and me are guilty of.
Our PHONES which has become something we cannot live without, is now the main cause of germ infections in our everyday lives.

Tell me, haven't you been to the washroom (Toilet) with your phone before?
After using the toilet, didn't you wash your hands? Yes you did. (you just said to yourself). Good!!
After that did you wash your phone or cleaned it with an antiseptic? No!! there you are..( wo na wohy3 h) no )

You have reinfected the hands washed with soap with all the germs you picked up from the washroom.
Now thinking you washed your hands after visiting the loo (toilet), you ate with that hand swallowing all the reinfected germ.

3 days later, you reported to the hospital with Diarrhea  with an unknown cause.
Sorry their reader, there is a cause, and that is right in your hands. Your Phone!!

Did i teach you something?
Are you guilty of what i just revealed to you?
Have you had an experience?

If Yes, then great!!

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